UCLA Asian American Studies Center's Suyama Project aims to preserve the history of Japanese American resistance during World War II, including, but not limited to the 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team draftees, Army and draft resisters, No-Nos, renunciants, and other Nikkei dissidents of World War II. The Suyama Project is made possible through the generous gift of an anonymous donor who wanted to honor and remember the legacy of resistance, broadly understood. |
Category Archives: Military Resisters Jimmie Omura's 'Return to the Wars' Diary An edited and annotated version of James Omura's diary is now available at suyamaproject.org, a website sponsored by the UCLA Asian American Studies Center, which aims to preserve the history of Japanese American resistance during World War II, including but not limited to the 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team draftees, draft resisters, No Nos, renunciants, and other Nikkei dissidents. Omura was a vocal opponent of the mass eviction and incarceration of Japanese Americans on the West Coast during World War II. He wrote editorials pointing out the unconstitutionality of the United States style concentration camps and chastised Japanese American leaders, who advocated a policy of government cooperation. He supported the draft resistance movement when the government began drafting men from out of the camps. For taking these stands, Omura's professional and personal suffered, and he was written out of history until the redress movement began during the 1980s. The thirteen years of Omura's life will be revisited in what is dubbed as his "Return to the Wars" diary by Art Hansen, professor emeritus of history and Asian American Studies at California State University, Fullerton and former director of the university's Lawrence de Graaf Center for Oral and Public History. Hansen edited the diary and provided more than 500 end notes. Omura began this portion of the diary in 1981, when he testified before the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) in Seattle and ends with his death in Denver in 1994. Stanford University Press has just published an edited volume by Hansen entitled, "Nisei Naysayer: The Memoir of Militant Japanese American Journalist Jimmie Omura." A book signing will be held on Saturday, Aug. 25, from 2:00 pm at the Japanese American National Museum, 100 North Central, Los Angeles, CA 90012. James Omura & The Heart Mountain Draft Resisters Art Hansen, James Omura, & The Heart Mountain Draft Resisters Cedrick Shimo and Tetsuo Nomiyama Cedrick Shimo and Tetsuo Nomiyama
Paul Minerich and Tetsuo "Tim" Nomiyama
Paul Minerich and Tetsuo Nomiyama
Cedrick Shimo receives a Kunsho
Cedrick Shimo receives a Kunsho
1800th veterans Tow Hori and Cedrick Shimo
Tow Hori and Cedrick Shimo
Military Resisters
Before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Japanese American men were volunteering or being drafted into the United States military like other Americans and served in integrated units. Immediately after Pearl Harbor, there was a period of confusion. At that time, the Department of Defense, which was created in 1947, did not exist, and all branches of the military were overseen by the War Department.
A few months after Pearl Harbor, the War Department deemed all Japanese Americans unfit for military service, but Japanese Americans were still getting their draft notices. In addition, because the War Department did not come out with a uniform policy on Japanese Americans already in the military, some soldiers were being discharged while others had their weapons taken away and were put to work doing menial jobs.
What developed was a separate military policy for dealing with Japanese Americans on the mainland and in Hawaii. Policies towards Japanese Americans in Hawaii were more moderate, and the men in the National Guard units in Hawaii eventually became the 100th Infantry Battalion, which would later become a part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. In June 1942, the War Department and the Selective Service finally stopped inducting Japanese Americans into the military and categorized them as IV-C, aliens not acceptable for service.
However, in a contradictory twist, the War Department formed the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) in Minneapolis that same month in June 1942. Japanese American soldiers, who passed a proficiency test in reading and writing Japanese, were sent to the MISLS. A smaller language school had been in operation at the Presidio in San Francisco as early as November 1941, a month before Pearl Harbor. The Army began separating Japanese Americans, already in the military but not eligible for the MISLS, from non-Japanese American soldiers in what would eventually become the segregated 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
All Japanese American soldiers were prevented from returning to the West Coast to assist their families being uprooted from their homes and herded into U.S. concentration camps. They would also later be required to fill out a controversial loyalty questionnaire. As a result, some Japanese American soldiers began to protest and came under government scrutiny. The soldiers' complaints ranged from questioning the validity of the loyalty questionnaire, objecting to the imprisonment of their family in U.S. concentration camps, opposing segregation in the U.S. Army to simply requesting a clarification of what principles they were fighting for overseas, while denied democratic freedom in their own country.
There were several notable incidents, which sparked protest. One occurred at Fort Riley, Kansas, where armed soldiers, wearing the same uniform as the Japanese American soldiers, herded an entire detachment of Japanese Americans into a hangar and kept them under armed guard until a tour of the grounds was completed by President Roosevelt. At Fort McClellan, Ala., Japanese American soldiers, who had raised concerns about discrimination within the Army and the lack of democratic rights for themselves and their families in camps, were charged with disobeying orders. They became known as the Fort McClellan Disciplinary Barrack Boys (DB Boys, for short). At the court martial, they were charged with one count of violating the lawful command of a superior officer and sent to the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Leavenworth, Kansas.
In general, the Japanese American soldiers who came under suspicion were either imprisoned at Leavenworth or sent to the 1800th Engineer General Service Battalion, a full-fledged engineering battalion made up of American soldiers of Japanese, German, and Italian descent and a few others, whom the U.S. government wanted to keep under surveillance.
Those at Leavenworth received sentences ranging from three to 30 years but after the war, President Truman issued a Presidential Order, shortening the sentences to about 3 ½ years.
The 1800th served stateside and distinguished themselves. They received a congratulatory citation from the commanding officer for participating in emergency rescue efforts when the White River in Arkansas flooded to historic levels.
The 1800th was disbanded in September 1945, and most of the Kibei soldiers, especially those who spoke with a heavy Japanese accent, were given a blue or "without honor" discharges, disqualifying them from receiving veterans' benefits.
Post WarFrom 1948 to 1954, attorney Charles Zane worked unsuccessfully on a pro bono basis to try to get honorable discharges for the DB Boys. During the 1980s, attorney Paul Minerich picked up where Zane had left off. Minerich became aware of the DB Boys' story after he married the daughter of Tetsuo Tim Nomiyama, a DB Boy who served time at Leavenworth.
In December 1982, the Army's Board of Corrections of Military Records voted 3-2 in favor of the Japanese American veterans, agreeing to the reinstatement of rank, restitution of back pay and other benefits. The Army, however, refused to set aside the court martial convictions. Filmmaker Loni Ding devotes a short segment to the DB Boys in "Color of Honor," a documentary on the Japanese American soldiers of World War II.
Around the same time, Kiyoshi Kawashima, a 1800th veteran who had received a blue discharge, contacted attorney Hyman Bravin, who agreed, on a pro bono basis, to testify before the Army Discharge Review Board. After two years of preparation, Bravin was informed that the 1800th veterans would have their discharges upgraded to honorable if they submitted an application.
The story of the military resisters, particularly of the 1800th Battalion, would have been forgotten without the push from Kiku Funabiki, whose cousin, Tow Hori, had been involved in the Fort Riley and Fort McClellan incidents and ended up in the 1800th Battalion. With Funabiki's encouragement, Cedrick Shimo, a 1800th veteran, began speaking publicly and writing extensively about the 1800th.
During the 1990s, the students of Leila Meyerratken, a middle school teacher in Lafayette, Indiana, made a quilt to honor the Japanese American soldiers of World War II. One panel of the quilt is devoted to the 1800th Battalion, thanks to Shimo and Jack and Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga.
For More Information: Castelnuovo, Shirley. Soldiers of Conscience: Japanese American Military Resisters in WorldWar II. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2008.
Shibutani, Tamotsu. The Derelicts of Company K: A Sociological Study of Demoralization. University of California Press, 1978.
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