About Us
A group of individuals who are attempting to make a difference in their community through outreach and education with a specific focus on the census. The census is one of the most important events for distributing public funding and our essential to the future of our political voice. Every year LA county is one the hardest to count populations in the United States. Beyond that college students are a largely untapped hard to count population. With that in mind we made it our mission to try and help reach out and educate our fellow students on the importance of the census. Within our campus community we tried to specifically target groups that may have a harder time understanding or are less likely to fill out the census. These groups were specifically STEM majors, Transfer students, and students from various ethnic backgrounds. These groups face unique challenges as they may not be as well versed in the process of the census and why it is important. Our goal was that through outreach in forms of presentation and leafleting we would be able to spread the importance of the Census to the UCLA community and make a positive difference in the form of census response.
Sam Solemnidad Sam Solemnidad is a second year at UCLA double majoring in Political Science and Asian American Studies. Outside of school, Sam is involved in organizations like Samahang Pilipino, Student Government, and Southeast Asian Students for OrgaNizing (SEASON). Whenever she's not in meetings or class you can find Sam at a boba shop or coffee shop. She's passionate about the 2020 Census because she wants to make sure that all communities, especially those that usually get neglected in politics and government, get counted and heard! |
Matt Bowman Matt Bowman is a 4th year student at UCLA, studying political science. Outside of school Matt is a marketing intern at a Clothing company in Los Angeles called Malbon Golf. Matt is involved in this class because he wants to make positive change in his community through outreach and education about the census. |
Hung Nguyen Hung Nguyen is a Fourth Year student majoring in Asian American Studies at UCLA. Hung has a passion for helping others, and wants to one day become a community college counselor where he may assist and help develop our future generation of students. Outside of school, Hung is either working at his restaurant job or going out to eat with his friends. Hung is passionate about the upcoming census because as a college student who relies on financial aid to even have a chance at attending a university like UCLA, he sees the benefits of getting an accurate count of the population. |
Angel Alba Angel Alba is a fourth year Political Science transfer student at the University of California, Los Angeles with a concentration in American Politics. While at UCLA, Angel has been given the opportunity to become an undergraduate grader for several upper-division Political Science courses. Angel is passionate about the upcoming 2020 census because as a transfer student, he knows the obstacles that prevent many transfer students from becoming informed about important issues such as the upcoming Census. One important quote that motivates Angel to help others is stated by Martin Luther King Jr., where he states, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Angel hopes to help those that have become silent by giving them back a voice on issues that are important to them. |
Amanda Castro Amanda Castro is a Fourth Year majoring in Political Science with a concentration in comparative politics. When she is not in class you can find her as an access monitor on the hill or at a coffee shop around campus. Amanda is passionate about the upcoming census because she is a college student that benefits from financial aid and understands how important it is to helping students further their educational dreams. She also wants people to understand that participating in the census is just as important as voting in the 2020 election if people want to be heard. |