Is there a gender identity or sexuality question on the 2020 Census?
Yes and No. On the Census, one will be asked to identify as either male or female. These two binary options are not necessarily inclusive for those who do not identify as male or female, but it's recommended that one answer the question in a manner that is most comfortable for them. In regards to sexuality, the Census does not specifically ask for one's sexual identity. Instead, the Census will ask if any individuals within a residence are same-sex married/unmarried partners, spouse, husband, or wife.
What can Census data do for the LGBTQ community?
Census data can help provide LGBTQ communities a variety of public services. This is due to how Census data plays a major role in directing how Federal Governments funds are distributed. An accurate count of LGBTQ peoples can play a vital role in making sure enough funds are available for community services, such as HIV Testing. Along with providing funds for other essential services, such as SNAP, which can provide assistance to LGBTQ families.
Will the Census ask about citizenship status?
No, the 2020 Census will not be asking about citizenship status.
Do I have to answer every single question on the Census?
No, the most important thing is to count everyone in your household, even if you
do not include their name or personal information (eg. Person 1, Person 2, etc). Additional information, however, is beneficial in understanding accurate demographics of your community and can increase the amount of funding and public resources your community receives from your state.
When can I fill out the Census?
The census can be completed online, through mail, or by phone on April 1st, 2020. Houses will be receiving an invitation to complete the Census via mail in mid March. Once the household has access to their Census ID, they are able to complete the Census. The Census should be filled out as soon as possible. However, if households opt out on the online form, census takers will be making house visits with the paper form from May-July.