Los Angeles CSU Census 2020 is a group of UCLA undergraduate students seeking to mobilize and educate college students who are considered hard-to-count population by the U.S. Census Bureau due to various underlying factors. Factors such as dwelling predicaments, language barriers, and mixed citizenship status often create confusion which prevents many college students from participating in the Census. Partnered with the UCLA Asian American Studies Center, in the course "Representation on the 2020 Census: Hard-to-Count Populations" we have initiated a social media strategy to promote the participation of college students in L.A. County, and we strive to reach beyond Los Angeles.

Graphs based on data collected from our surveys

The California Census Office has created this interactive map to view California census tracts and block groups. Many California residents live in areas that, based on demographic, socioeconomic and housing characteristics, may be hard to count in the 2020 Census. The California Census Office has created this interactive map that shows California census tracts and block groups shaded by their California Hard-to-Count Index, a metric that incorporates 14 variables correlated with an area being difficult to enumerate.


Geographical Map of LA County Census Pledges' Hometowns

ArcGIS: LA County Census Pledges' Hometowns