Policy Reports and Publications

Asian American Language Needs in L.A. Wildfires


Author(s): Paul Ong, Chhandara Pech, Jonathan Ong, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Silvia R. González, and Bryzen Enzo Morales


Hidden Precarious Housing: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Homelessness and Overcrowding in California


Author(s): Lois M. Takahashi, Alycia Cheng, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, and Vinit Mukhija


Asian American Voter Access in L.A. County


Author(s): Natalie Masuoka, Nathan Chan, Nancy Yap


Asian American, Latino, Black and White Voters in Los Angeles City Elections: Racial Diversity and Representation in 2020 and 2022


Author(s): Natalie Masuoka & Nathan Chan


Closing the Care Gap: Understanding Asian American and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Youth At-Risk for Suicide in Los Angeles County


Principal Investigator: Anna Lau, Professor, Psychology, UCLA College of Life Sciences
Author(s): Belinda C. Chen, Joyce H. L. Lui, Lisa A. Benson, Yen-Jui R. Lin, Ninez A. Ponce, Anna S. Lau


Filipino American Essential & Frontline Workers Battling Multiple Crises: COVID-19, Economic Inequality, and Racism


Principal Investigator: Cindy Sangalang, Assistant Professor, Social Welfare, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
Author(s): Cindy C. Sangalang, Marisa Montoya, Samantha R. Macam, Audrey Chan, Madonna P. Cadiz, Romeo Hebron, Jr.


Unmasking COVID-19 in the Pacific: Funding Equity for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Community-Based Organizations and the COVID-19 Pandemic


Principal Investigators: Keith Camacho, Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA College of Letters & Science; Kevin Escudero, Assistant Professor, Brown University
Author(s): 'Alisi T. Tulua, Savenaca Vakatawa Gasaiwai, Rev. Pausa Kaio "PK" Thompson, Audrey Aofia Kawaiopua Alo, Christopher Kodiak Alvord, Kevin Escudero


Unmasking COVID-19 in the Pacific: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Communities Require Language Translation Resources and Services to Mitigate Their Status as the Most Affected Population by the COVID-19 Pandemic


Principal Investigators: Keith Camacho, Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA College of Letters & Science; Kevin Escudero, Assistant Professor, Brown University
Author(s): Neritha Kelani Silk, Heidi Chargualaf Quenga, Kiana M.K. Keli'i, Tia Aga Tevaseu, Karla B. Thomas, Keith L. Camacho


Unmasking COVID-19 in the Pacific: Standardizing Disaggregated Racial and Ethnic Data Collection and Reporting Practices to Ensure Equity and to Accurately Reflect California's Diversity


Principal Investigators: Keith Camacho, Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA College of Letters & Science; Kevin Escudero, Assistant Professor, Brown University
Author(s): Richard Calvin Chang, Kawika Liu, Corina S. Penaia, Nikki M.S. Wong


Community-led Disaster Relief for Excluded Immigrant Workers: Addressing Policy Gaps and Strengthening Community Infrastructure


Principal Investigators: Jennifer Chun, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA College of Letters & Science and International Institute; AJ Kim, Associate Professor, San Diego State University
Author(s): AJ Kim, Jennifer Jihye Chun


COVID-19 Pandemic Employment Impacts on Asian Americans


Principal Investigator: Paul Ong, Professor Emeritus, Urban Planning, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
Author(s): Paul Ong, Chhandara Pech, Darlene Medrano


COVID-19 Pandemic Housing Impacts on Disadvantaged Asian Americans


Principal Investigator: Paul Ong, Professor Emeritus, Urban Planning, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
Author(s): Paul Ong, Chhandara Pech


The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Korean American Small Businesses


Principal Investigator: Kyeyoung Park, Professor, Anthropology and Asian American Studies, UCLA College of Letters & Science
Author(s): Kyeyoung Park


Anti-AAPI Racism in Immigration and Criminal Law


Principal Investigator: Hiroshi Motomura, Professor, UCLA School of Law
Author(s): Hiroshi Motomura, Astghik Hairapetian


The State of Undocumented Young Adults in California: The Health, Social, and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 between 2020-2022


Principal Investigator: May Sudhinaraset, Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Author(s): May Sudhinaraset, Hye Young Choi, Ezinne Nwankwo, Michelle Kao Nakphong, Annie Ro


Support Asian American Theatres and Reach Thousands of Constituents


Principal Investigator: Sean Metzger, Professor, Theater and Performance Studies, UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television
Author(s): Sean Metzger, Janine Sun Rogers


Longitudinal Trends of Hate Crimes Targeting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Los Angeles County, 2012-2020


Principal Investigator: Karen Umemoto, Professor, Urban Planning, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and Asian American Studies, UCLA Collge of Letters & Science
Author(s): Maggie Seay, Karen Umemoto


Asian American Businesses: The Impacts of Anti-Asian Racism, 2021


Authors: Paul Ong, Alycia Cheng, and Jonathan Ong

UCLA Asian American Studies Center, UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge, and Asian Business Association of Los Angeles


Asian American Businesses: Identifying Gaps and Supporting Recovery 2021


Authors: Alycia Cheng, Jonathan Ong, and Paul Ong

UCLA Asian American Studies Center, UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge, and Asian Business Association of Los Angeles


Potential Differential Undercount in 2020 Census Redistricting Data: Los Angeles County, California 2021


Authors: Paul Ong and Jonathan Ong

UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge


From Affirmative Action to Gig Economy: Racial Differences in the Support for California Propositions in the 2020 Election


Authors: Jessica Lee, Nathan Chan, and Natalie Masuoka

UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Initiative and UCLA Asian American Studies Center


Crisis to Impact: Reflecting on a Decade of Housing Counseling Services in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities


Authors: Chhandara Pech, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Caroline Calderon, and Paul Ong

UCLA Asian American Studies Center, UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge, and National Coalition of Asian Pacific American Community Development


COVID-19 Impacts on Minority Businesses and Systemic Inequality


Authors: Paul Ong, Andre Comandom, Nicholas DiRago, and Lauren Harper

UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge, Ong & Associates


Persistent Shortfalls and Racial/Class Disparities,
2020 Census Self-Response Rates


Authors: Paul Ong and Jonathan Ong

UCLA Asian American Studies Center, UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge,
Ong & Associates


COVID-19's Employment Disruptions to Asian Americans


Authors: Donald Mar and Paul Ong

UCLA Asian American Studies Center, UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge,
Ong & Associates


The Color of Wealth in Los Angeles


Authors: Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Zhenxiang Chen, Paul M. Ong, Darrick Hamilton, William A. Darity Jr.

A Joint Publication of Duke University, the New School, the University of Caifornia, Los Angeles and the Insight Center for Community Economic Development

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


[Ethnic and Racial Studies Journal] The role of race, ethnicity and tribal enrolment on asset accumulation: an examination of American Indian tribal nations


Authors: Randall Akee, Sue K. Stockly, William Darity Jr, Darrick Hamilton & Paul Ong

Department of Public Policy, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA; College of Business, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM, USA; Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA; The Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy, The New School, New York, NY, USA; Department of Urban Planning, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


CFED Race and Wealth Podcast on Soundcloud


Host: Dedrick Asante-Muhammad

Featured Speakers: Melany De La Cruz and Lillian Singh


[Housing Studies Journal] Ethnically bounded homeownership: qualitative insights on Los Angeles immigrant homeowners' experiences during the U.S. Great Recession


Authors: Deirdre Pfeiffer, Karna Wong, Paul Ong & Melany De La Cruz-Viesca

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


[AAPI Nexus Journal: Policy, Practice, and Community]
"Special Issue on Wealth Inequality and Asian American Pacific Islanders"

2015 | Volume 13, Issue 1-2

Editors: C. Aujean Lee, Lisa Hasegawa, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, and Paul M. Ong

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


Pathways to Trouble: Homeowners and the Foreclosure Crisis in Los Angeles Ethnic Communities


Authors: Deirdre Pfeiffer, Karna Wong, Paul Ong, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca

UCLA Asian American Studies Center

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


[California Policy Options, 2014]
The Foreclosure Crisis in Los Angeles


Authors: Paul M. Ong, Chhandara Pech, and Deirdre Pfeiffer

An annual publication of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


Dream Home Resource Center


UCLA Asian American Studies Center, UCLA Center for the Study of Inequality, and UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs.

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


Wealth Roller Coaster: Race, Place, and the Foreclosure Crisis in Los Angeles


Authors: R. Varisa Patraporn, Diem L. Tran, and Paul M. Ong

UCLA Asian American Studies Center

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


A Narrative Report of the Asian American Population and Asset-building Trends of California


Authors: Ada LingJun Peng, Chhandara Pech, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Paul M. Ong & Karna Wong

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


A Narrative Report of the Asian American Population and Asset-building Trends of Illinois


Authors: Ada LingJun Peng, Chhandara Pech, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Paul M. Ong, Karna Wong & Christina Aujean Lee

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


A Narrative Report of the Asian American Population and Asset-building Trends of Oklahoma


Authors: Ada LingJun Peng, Chhandara Pech, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Paul M. Ong, Karna Wong & Christina Aujean Lee

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


A Narrative Report of the Asian American Population and Asset-building Trends of Texas


Authors: Pamela Stephens, Chhandara Pech, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Paul M. Ong, Karna Wong & Christina Aujean Lee

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


A Narrative Report of the Asian American Population and Asset-building Trends of Southeast Region


Authors: Chhandara Pech, Pamela Stephens, Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Paul M. Ong & Karna Wong

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


Asian American Homeownership and Foreclosure in East San Gabriel Valley: An Analysis of a Los Angeles County Community


Authors: Paul M. Ong, Diem Linda Tran, and R. Varisa Patraporn

This work was supported by the Ford Foundation's Building Economic Security Over a Lifetime Initiative, through the UCLA Asian American Studies Center.


The State of Asian America: Trajectory of Civic and Political Engagement

2008 | Volume V

Editor: Paul M. Ong

LEAP Asian Pacific American Public Policy Institute


The Asian Americans Redistricting Project: Legal Background of the "Community of Common Interest" Requirement


Authors: Carol Ojeda-Kimbrough, Eugene Lee, Yen Ling Shek

University of California Asian American and Pacific Islander Multi-campus Research Program, UCLA Asian American Studies Center


The State of Asian Pacific America: Transforming Race Relations

2000 | Volume IV

Editor: Paul M. Ong

LEAP Asian Pacific American Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center


The State of Asian Pacific America: Reframing the Immigration Debate


Editors: Bill Ong Hing & Ronald Lee

LEAP Asian Pacific American Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center


The State of Asian Pacific America: Economic Diversity, Issues & Policies


Editor: Paul Ong

LEAP Asian Pacific Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center


BEYOND ASIAN AMERICAN POVERTY: Community Economic Development Policies and Strategies


Editor and Project Director: Paul Ong

Authors / Research Team: Dennis Arguelles, Susan Castro, Theresa Cenidoza, Bruce Chow, Chanchanit Martorell, Tarry Hum, Winnie Louie, Erich Nakano, Paul Ong, and Roderick Ramos

A Joint Venture Publication of LEAP Asian Pacific Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center


The State of Asian Pacific America: Policy Issues to the Year 2020


Editors: Paul Ong, Don T. Nakanishi, and J.D. Hokoyama

LEAP Asian Pacific American Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center


A Practical Guide to the Technical Aspects of Redistricting


Editors: Philip Okamoto

Public Policy Projects, Asian American Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles




Editors: Paul M. Ong, Tania Azores

LEAP Asian Pacific American Public Policy Institute and UCLA Asian American Studies Center


Breaking New Ground: Asian Pacific Americans and Redistricting in the Greater Downtown Area


Prepared by: Asian Pacific Americans for Fair Representation at University of California, Los Angeles


California's Asian Population


Presented by: Lucie Cheng and Paul Ong

Pacific Rim Emerging Issues Series, #1


Redistricting and Political Empowerment of Asian Pacific Americans in Los Angeles: A Position Paper


By: Paul Ong, Yen Espiritu, Tania Azores

Public Policy Project, Asian American Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles


The Voting Rights of Asian Pacific Americans


By: William Tamayo, Robin Toma, Stewart Kwoh

Public Policy Project, Asian American Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles


The Widening Divide: Income Inequality and Poverty in Los Angeles


By: The Research Group on the Los Angeles Economy


Reapportionment and Redistricting in a Nutshell


By: Paul Ong, Tania Azores

Public Policy Project, Asian American Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles