National Asian Pacific American Political Almanac, Thirteenth Edition (2007-2008)
Editor(s): Don T. Nakanishi and James Lai
Paperback - $15.00
ISBN-13: 978-0-934052-42-9
Product Details: 254 pages, 5.5 inches (width) x 8.5 inches (height)
Categories: Activism; Asian American; Asian American Studies; Chinese; Civil Rights; Demographics; Education; Filipino; Health and Health Practices; Indian; Japanese; Korean; Law and Politics; Pacific Islander; Pacific Islander Studies; Population and Census; Vietnamese |
Co-published with The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies
Published since 1976, the National Asian Pacific American Political Almanac has received rave reviews from elected officials, community leaders, social services providers, librarians, journalists, researchers, students, and others interested in the growing political participation of the nation's 14 million Asian Pacific Americans.
This edition lists over 2,000 Asian Pacific American elected and appointed officials nationwide and covered the then-upcoming impact of APA population on the 2008 election.
Table of Contents
- Our Network - Making It Work: Statement from AT&T Julian Chang, David Lin, and Randy Okamura
- Mobilizing For Change: The Participation and Representation of Asian Pacific Americans in American Politics Don T. Nakanishi
- Statement from the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) David Kim
- Grassroots Organizing Holds the Key to the Political Fortunes of Asian Pacific Americans in 2008 and Beyond James S. Lai
- UCLA Asian American Studies Center
Issue Focus: What Do Asian Pacific Americans Have to Do in the 2008 Presidential Elections to Make an Impact?
- APA Voters, Issues, and the 2008 Elections Andrew L. Aoki
- Apathetic and Apolitical? Asian Pacific Americans and the Next Steps for Building a Political Base Christine Chen
- The Political Maturation of Asian Pacific Americans in California Paul Fong
- Asian Pacific American Clout in 2008 Rep. Barbara Marumoto
- Asian Pacific Americans and the Immigration Debate: Key Issues for the 2008 Election Natalie Masuoka
- Watada's Election Vijay Prashad
- APAs and the 2008 Presidential Election Karthick Ramakrishnan
- How Asian Americans Are Made to "Disappear" in US Presidential Elections Okiyoshi (Oki) Takeda
- WHEN ASIAN AMERICANS RUN: The Suburban and Urban Dimensions of Asian American Candidates in California Local Politics James S. Lai & Kim Geron
- 2006 Elections: CNN Exit Poll Data
- LA/SF/Oakland Poll (Asian Law Caucus/APA Legal Center of Southern California)
- Highlights From the AALDEF Multilingual Exit Poll in the November 2006 Elections
- National Asian Pacific American Political Organizations
- State and Local Asian Pacific American Organizations
- Key Federal, State, & Municipal Elected Officials Representation by States: Aggregate Totals
- Federal Officials
- AAPI Presidential Appointees
- State and Local Officials: Alabama // Alaska // Arizona // California // Colorado // Connecticut // District of Columbia // Florida // Georgia // Hawaii // Idaho // Illinois // Indiana // Iowa // Kentucky // Louisiana // Maryland // Massachusetts // Michigan // Minnesota // Missouri // Nebraska // Nevada // New Hampshire // New Jersey // New York // Ohio // Oregon // Pennsylvania // Rhode Island // South Carolina // Texas // Utah // Vermont // Virginia // Washington // West Virginia // Wisconsin // American Samoa // Guam // Northern Mariana Islands
Previous Editions also available
- 14th Edition (2011-2012)
- 12th Edition (2005-2006); Co-published with the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies
- 11th Edition (2003-2004)
- 10th Edition (2001-2002)
- 9th Edition (2000-2001, Special Election Edition)
Out of print editions
- 8th Edition (1998-1999)
- 7th Edition (1996)
- 6th Edition (1995)
- 5th Edition, titled National Asian American Roster (1984)
- 4th Edition, titled National Asian American Roster (1982)
- 3rd Edition, titled National Asian American Roster (1980)
- 2nd Edition, titled National Asian American Roster (1979)
- 1st Edition, titled National Asian American Roster (1978)