Fading Footsteps of the Issei: An Annotated Check List of the Manuscript Holdings of the Japanese American Research Project Collection (1992)
Editor: Yasuo Sakata
Paperback: $24.90
ISBN-11: 978145070595
Categories: Bibliography; Education; Religion; History; Immigration and Migration; Japanese; Primary Sources |
The Japanese American Research Project Collection (JARP), deposited in the Department of Special Collections of the UCLA Research Library, is the finest collection of primary sources in the United States on Japanese immigration history. Conducted under the sponsorship of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), JARP was a socio-historical research project, which began in 1962 and lasted until 1972.
Table Of Contents
Part I. Annotated Check List
- Personal Papers
- Japanese Government Documents and Records
- Oranizational Records And Papers
- Japanese Associations
- Prewar Japanese Socio-Cultural Organizations
- Prewar Japanese Economic Organizations
- Prewar Japanese Religious Organizations
- Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
- Postwar Japanese American Organizations
- Japanese Language Schools And Education of the Second Generations The Pacific War and Internment
- Published Materials
- Published Photographic Albums
Part II. Indices
- Books Booklets and Pamphlets
- Newspapers, Magazines, Church Bulletins and Dojin Zasshi
- Names, Places, Subjects and Topics
Related Center Press Publications
Amerasia Journal 13:2 Japanese Americans in the 1930s and 1940s (1986-7).
Amerasia Journal 19:1 Japanese American Internment: Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Issue (1993).
Conrat, Maisie & Richard (1992). Executive Order 9066.
Herzig-Yoshinaga, Aiko & Lee, Marjorie (2011). Speaking Out for Personal Justice: Site Summaries of Testimonies and Witnesses Registry from the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation & Internment of Civilians Hearings (CWRIC), 1981.
Higa, Karin (Ed.) (1992). Views from Within: The Japanese American Art from the Internment Camp, 1942 - 1945.
Ichioka, Yuji et al. (1974). A Buried Past: An Annotated Bibliography of the Japanese American Research Project Collection
Ichioka, Yuji & Aizuma, Eiichiro (1999). A Buried Past II: A Sequel to the Annotated Bibliography of the Japanese American Research Project Collection, 1973-1998 (1999).
Kochiyama, Yuri (2004). Passing It On: A Memoir.