AAS 191C

The Course: AAS191C

Course Description

Asian American Studies 191C (AAS 191C) sought to integrate together academics and activism by offering UCLA students a hands-on, community-centered approach to learning about the U.S. Census. Students learned about the history of the census, how we use census data and the different debates involving the collection of census data. Our main focus was to consider the implications of the undercount and the fact that those who most need to be counted are often not. Students were then tasked to integrate what they learned in a census outreach campaign targeted at a hard to count group in one of our country's most diverse and populous areas, Los Angeles County. The projects found on this website share these census outreach campaigns.

Our hope is that, through this website, the census outreach campaigns can have broader impact on the census count beyond the communities targeted by our class.

Course Instructor

Natalie Masuoka, Associate Professor of Political Science and Asian American Studies.


We were lucky to learn about the census and community activism from activists and leaders. Thank you to those from the community for sharing your expertise with us:

Connie Lo, US Census Bureau

Ivy Daulo, US Census Bureau

Bobby Kobara, Office of Los Angeles Mayor

An Le, Asian Americans Advancing Justice — Asian Law Caucus

Giovany Hernandez, National Association of Latino Elected Officials

Kwame Simmons, Los Angeles Urban League Young Professionals

Travis Lee, UCLA Disabilities and Computing Program

Sal Santa Ana, UCLA Disabilities and Computing Program

Carolanne Link, UCLA Disabilities and Computing Program


Course materials and this website were funded by an Instructional Improvement Program (IIP) grant from the UCLA Center for the Advancement of Teaching.

Website Development and Course Support

Irene Park, UCLA Asian American Studies Center

Tom Nguyen, UCLA Asian American Studies Center

Vivien Leung, UCLA Department of Political Science