AASC Press Collection

Histories, dreams, and destinations-
the books we publish help us to understand
our individual experiences as they transform
our collective futures.

Russell C. Leong
Editor (1977-2010), Amerasia Journal
AASC Press


Since 1970, the UCLA Asian American Studies Center Press has been the only university-based press in the world entirely committed to publishing scholarship on the histories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. For more than forty years, the publications arm of the Center has released a large collection of titles, including leading Asian American journals (Amerasia Journal and AAPI Nexus), almanacs, bibliographies, directories, and bestselling collections, anthologies, public policy research reports, and memoirs.

The Center Press is committed to publishing in a variety of areas, including race relations, war and peace movements, religion, activist politics, gender and sexuality, public policy, health, education, community history and settlement, literature and the arts, and diasporic and transcultural societies. Our scholarship and research has covered the diverse populations within Asian Americans-- including South Asians, Hawaiians, Samoans, Hmong, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese, and people of mixed Asian heritage descent.

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Amerasia Journal AAPI Nexus Journal Best Sellers passing it on

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UCLA Asian American Studies Center Press